What to do after the JEE Main Result?

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After the result is out for JEE Main, candidates generally find themselves surrounded by the various career-related questions. At this stage, you need to be calm and should take a practical decision because this is going to affect your future.

After the result of JEE Main, you are left with two clear scenarios- either you have cleared the JEE Main or you have not. If you have selected, then you can start your preparation for JEE Advanced. Talk to your teachers, subject experts and practice a lot in order to prepare best for the JEE Advanced Exam. We bring here all the options in one place for you to choose after your JEE Main result.

What After JEE Main Result?

Every year lakhs of candidates apply for the National Level Engineering Entrance Exam to get admission in the top level of Institutes in India. JEE Main is also the gateway for the JEE Advanced exam. So JEE Main is the crucial exam for every aspiring engineer and after the declaration of the JEE Main result, you will need to plan your next step in the direction you want. There are two scenarios after the result of JEE Main:

  • If you cleared the JEE Main
  1. JEE Main Cut Off

After the result of JEE Main, you should divert your attention to the qualifying cut-off. Cut-off is the minimum marks which are required to get admission in NITs, IITs, and CFITs through JEE Main exam. The exam conducting authority will also announce the cut-off for JEE Advanced entrance exam.

  1. Start your preparation for JEE Advanced Entrance Exam

The online registration for JEE Advanced will start after the JEE Main result. If you scored well in JEE Main, then only you are eligible for online registration for JEE Advanced. If you are all set to appear for JEE Advanced, then you must check all the details related to the exam pattern, important dates, syllabus, paper analysis, mock test and latest news for JEE Advanced Preparation.

Also checkout here-  Top 5 Android apps for JEE Main Preparation

After that you have applied for JEE Advanced, make yourself register through online mode at the official website of NTA. Fill the application form correctly and upload the scanned images and after the payment has been completed, take the print out of the application for future reference.

JEE Advanced Exam Pattern

Check the exam pattern for the JEE Advanced Exam below:

Mode of Exam Online (Computer-Based)
Number of Papers Two Papers (Paper 1 and Paper 2)

Both are Mandatory

Language Hindi and English
Exam Duration 3 Hours
Type of Questions Multiple choice objective Questions
Subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics

Some Important Tips to Prepare for JEE Advanced Exam

  • Be attentive and sincere- Stay focused and do not take JEE Advanced preparation lightly. Be confident with your preparation and make a well-structured plan for the preparation of JEE Advanced.
  • Focus on building concepts- If your basics are clear, it will become easy for you to understand the topics. As mugging up topics will result in big confusion and this will not help in JEE Advanced preparation.
  • Practice a lot- It is very much beneficial to solve previous year question paper and mock test. Firstly, you will get exact idea of structure of questions and you can analysis your weak and strong points by practising questions papers.
  • Set your timetable- You can prepare a timetable that will help in your preparation. Making a timetable is easy but sticking to it is difficult. So, adopt realistic approach in giving your preparation a positive sign of success.
  • Learn the magic of notes- Making your own notes is very important in the preparation of JEE Advanced. Note down important formula, technique, tips and tricks in your notepad. This will also serve vital role at the time of your revision.

. 2. If you are rejected for JEE Main

  • Focus on State/University Level Engineering Entrance Exams

If you are not able to get selected for JEE Advanced, you can always try your luck with state-level engineering exams.

University level engineering entrance exams are:

  • KVPY

 State level engineering entrance exams are:

  • Karnataka CET
  1.  Try for JEE Main next year

You can avail three attempts for JEE Main. From this academic year, you get two chances for JEE Main (January Session and April Session). So, if you are still left with one or two chances, you can possibly prepare for JEE Main in next year or in next chance. Prepare with much extra effort this time to crack the JEE Main exam.

  1. Look at options other than Engineering

Being a science students, you have other choices as well apart from engineering like you can opt for Economics, Statistics and Mathematics. You can always turn your head towards civil services exams.

  1. 4. Take up Entrepreneurship

With change in time, you can use your skills to turn your great ideas into reality. Being a job creating entrepreneur is a challenging and rewarding experience.

The best answer what to do after your JEE Main, we have compiled here. Go ahead and make your decision wisely. But you should be ready to face every circumstances and should prepare for your future accordingly.

In case of any doubts or query, drop your comment here at the comment section!

Don’t forget to download JEE Main preparation app. It provides free study material, quizzes, mock test, previous year papers, and all the updates related JEE Main exam.


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