JEE Main Syllabus 2019

JEE Main Syllabus 2019


The National Testing Agency has released the syllabus for JEE Main 2019 April. The exam will begin on 07-04-2019 and end on 20-04-2019. The admit card will be made available on the official website from 20-03-2019. The results for Paper 1 will be announced on 30-04-2019 and the results for Paper 2 will be out by 15-05-2019. The JEE Main syllabus for all the subjects viz Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics along with the weight-age is given below:

JEE Main Syllabus 2019 April

Physics Chemistry Maths
Modern Physics

Q=5, M=20

Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry

Q=3, M=12

Coordinate Geometry

Q=5, M=20

Heat and Thermodynamics

Q=3, M=12

The periodic table and Representative Elements

Q=3, M=12

Limits, Continuity, and Differentiability

Q=3, M=12


Q=3, M=12

Thermodynamics And Gaseous State

Q=2, M=8

Integral Calculus

Q=3, M=12

Current Electricity

Q=3, M=12

Atomic Structure

Q=2, M=8

Complex numbers and Quadratic Equation

Q=2, M=8


Q=3, M=12

Chemical Bonding

Q=2, M=8

Matrices and Determinants

Q=2, M=8


Q=2, M=8

Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium

Q=2, M=8

Statistics and Probability

Q=2, M=8

Unit, Dimension, and Vector

Q=1, M=4

Solid State And Surface Chemistry

Q=2, M=8

Three Dimensional Geometry

Q=2, M=8


Q=1, M=4

Nuclear Chemistry And Environment

Q=2, M=8

Vector Algebra

Q=2, M=8

Laws of motion

Q=1, M=4

Mole Concept

Q=1, M=4

Sets, Relation, and Function

Q=1, M=4

Work, Power, and Energy

Q=1, M=4

Redox Reaction

Q=1, M=4

Permutations and Combinations

Q=1, M=4

Centre Of Mass, Impulse, and Momentum

Q=1, M=4


Q=1, M=4

Binomial Theorem and Its Application

Q=1, M=4


Q=1, M=4

Chemical Kinetics

Q=1, M=4

Sequences and  Series

Q=1, M=4


Q=1, M=4

Solutions and Colligative Properties

Q=1, M=4


Q=1, M=4

Simple Harmonic Motion

Q=1, M=4

General Organic Chemistry

Q=1, M=4

Mathematical Reasoning

Q=1, M=4

Solids and Fluids

Q=1, M=4


Q=1, M=4

Differential Equation

Q=1, M=4


Q=1, M=4


Q=1, M=4

Statics and Dynamics

Q=1, M=4

Electromagnetics Induction, AC

Q=1, M=4

Alkyl Halides

Q=1, M=4

Differential Calculus

Q=1, M=4

Carboxylic Acid and their Derivatives

Q=1, M=4

Carbohydrates, amino acid, and Polymers

Q=1, M=4

Aromatic Compounds

Q=1, M=4

Paper 1:

The duration of the exam is 3 hours and will be conducted through online mode. The paper consists of 3 sections viz Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry with equal marks. The type of questions asked will be MCQs (Multiple choice questions). Each correct answer will be awarded 4 marks and for each wrong answer, one-fourth marks will be deducted.

Paper 2:

Maths and aptitude sections will be held online whereas drawing section will be conducted offline. It is a 3 hours test. The paper is divided into three sections viz Part 1 (Mathematics), Part 2 (Aptitude Test), and Part 3 (Drawing Test). Type of questions asked will be objective type and drawing aptitude. In Part 1 and Part 2 sections, each correct answer will be awarded 4 marks and for each wrong answer, one-fourth marks will be deducted.

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