The 10 factors that most influence the positioning of a website

most influence the positioning of a website


We explain to you in an easy to understand way what is positioning in SEO and the top 10 factors on which your website succeeds on the internet. Everything that has to do with the internet is usually difficult, first because they are technical topics and second because they often use many strange ‘words’, things in English…

For example, positioning is called SEO, which means ‘search engine optimization’ in English. But what is that? ? Search engines?

Well, for example, a search engine is Google, but we call it rather ‘search engine’…

Understanding what positioning is and what it depends on is not that difficult, if we use simple words. Let’s try.

First, there are 3 important things to clarify:

1.- If we have a business website or blog and we want it to stand out on the internet, we have to know that 98% of people use Google to navigate and that almost everything has Google as a homepage. So, this means

Highlight on the Internet = Highlight on Google

The objective of the positioning is to stand out in Google, so that when someone searches for something related to our Products or services, our website comes out.

When we say that there are a number of factors that influence positioning, these are things that Google requires of us. Now we will see what they are.

2.- The relationship between your website and Facebook Page.

It gives a good impression on Google’s eye and clients if you have a facebook page. For example, if you type something on google and facebook page appears on the google first page then it means there is something important on this page.

As we explained in this article on Facebook, your Facebook page is not a website: it is a space on the Facebook website.

When we talk about positioning, we are talking about your own web page, which you control, because if not, you cannot do anything related to positioning.

3.- There are internal and external positioning factors.

Some affect the web page and the external ones affect other things. We discussed it in our last article.

It is very important that the web is well done, if we do not already start badly… But once the web is there, you should not fall asleep, you have to work other things. Now we see it.

What does positioning depend on?

We have said that it depends on what Google requires of us. Things are changing every day and Google is adapting its ‘magic formula‘. There are many variables that influence the position that websites occupy in Google, but we have chosen the 10 most important ones and have placed them in the following Image:

Web positioning factors Conquer the internet

Those on the left are internal factors, from the website, and those on the right are external. And below, factor number 10 is both internal and external.

Internal or website factors

1.- The loading speed.

The time it takes to load a website is very important. If it takes more than 3 seconds, Google won’t like it…

2.- Responsive web design.

That is, that the website has a design adapted so that it can be seen on all devices, computers, mobiles, tablets… FUNDAMENTAL! If your website is not responsive, you will not get a good ranking.

3.- Labels in the programming code.

The ‘skeleton’ of a web page is a programming code, a very complex thing that only computer scientists understand… There are a number of things put there for Google to read. They are ‘invisible’ but very important.

If Google can’t find these tags, it’s harder for you to know who we are, and that’s bad for positioning.

4.- The web architecture.

This is another technical thing, but it is easy to understand. The web pages have sections: the home, who we are, the services I offer, the Products I sell, contact… And within the sections there may be different sections.

All this is organized in the form of a tree, and you have to do it well because Google also reads it. It is like organizing a file: if everything is messed up we will not find anything.

If it is well classified we find things faster. And if we give each thing a name explaining well what is inside the drawer, well, perfect.

External factors (unrelated to the website)

5.- The age and history of the domain.

This is a bit complicated… Let’s see if I explain.

All web pages are linked to a domain. It is www.xxx.com or .es… The domain is like our first and last name.

When you choose a domain, it may be new or it may have existed before. Imagine that you buy www.xxxx.com. Well, another person who had a shoe store and a website had it before, and then it closed.

That is called historical. The domains are accumulating history. If xxx.com was a very good website, it had many visits… Well, you are going to ‘inherit’ a good domain, because Google is going to remember all of that.

According to Digital Marketing and the best SEO Experts in dubai this is the game of do or die for you. If you want to beat someone on Google you have to stay strong, create your daily analysis for competitors and give your best to update your content on a daily basis. Keep your eye on Google updates and do your best.

There are a number of SEO communities there that can help you build your strategy. You can contact the marketing experts and consult your ideas to make an impact. This way you can master SEO.

Well if that website closes, and you go later and buy the domain, Google is going to say ‘man, the one with the disastrous website…’ And this is VERY bad.

For the same reason, when we buy the domain and it is totally new, everything we do with the website that is linked to it will be ‘recorded’, both the good and the bad.

And another very important thing is the age of the domain. The older it is, the better, the longer it has been ‘open’.

In short: the time that your domain has is important for positioning, and also the things that are done with the websites that we link to that domain.

That is why we always recommend doing things well, not trying to cheat with positioning (that there are…), because in the long run it can be expensive.

Google watches the traps a lot and always ends up catching the cheats… It’s not worth it.

You can read this article to learn more about the domain, which as you see, is very important for positioning.

6.- Number of visits.

This is easy: the more visits your website has, the better positioning you will get.

7.- External links pointing to your website.

An external link is when your website address is on other websites. That is, when someone puts readupone.com on their website, for example to recommend you.

It is usually done in professional associations… “This is the website of the bar association and we put up the websites of lawyers in case you want to visit them”. And by clicking you go to those websites.

It is as if others ‘talk about you’… That is always good. When you have been working for a long time you are known and if he is good, people speak well of him.

With web pages it is the same: if it takes a long time, it appears on many internet sites, and the more important you are, the more important people talking about you will be.

When many people recommend a web page (or a blog article…), Google knows it and rewards it.

So one thing you can do to improve the positioning of your website is to get others to put your website on theirs.

How do you do this? Phew, gives for an entire article… We will write it 🙂

8.- Share quality content on social networks.

On the web you have to put quality Content (texts and photos), well done and related to your activity. But that is not enough. As we will see in factor 10, Content is the most important thing for positioning. It has to be good, you have to update it and… you have to share it.

How? Through social media. The more you use the better, and the more often you share things, too. But be careful, you have to do it well. If you don’t have time or you don’t want to do anything.

9.- Updated blog.

The same: it is very good to have a blog about your activity and update it often. And then you share that Content with your social networks.

And finally, the most important factor…

10.- Content is everything. ‘Quality’ and ‘sharing’ are the magic words.

Content is an internal factor of the web page, because when making a web we write some texts and include some photos, videos…

But it is also external, because once the website is up and running, we can leave the same Content 5 years (BAD) or change it as there are changes in our activity (because you offer a new Product or service, for example…).

It is not enough to have a website with well-written texts and quality photos. MUST BE RENEWED. That is already your responsibility.

If you do not change anything, the web will work properly… But your positioning will not improve.

This applies to all factors external to the web… If you do nothing the web works, but the positioning does not improve.

What does ‘Quality Content’ mean?

First of course, that it is well written. Always, always, they must do it professionally. We think we write very well, but no. We are not all photographers either: the photos have to be good, no blurry, crooked, dark things… Second, you should deal with topics of interest that bring something new and of value to your readers.

And also, ‘quality’ means that it is made as Google likes. As we said before: we put our keywords , I am a shoe store, I sell shoes, sneakers, boots…

This too, who will do it best is a professional.

And then what was said. If you don’t change anything on the web, know that your competitors are. And Google rewards it. So if you want to achieve a good positioning you have no choice but to renew and expand the content of your website from time to time. The more the better.

As a great conclusion to the entire article, stick with the idea that positioning depends a lot on how the web is made, but also on what you do later with it.

I hope I have helped you understand what factors impact the positioning of a website. If you have any questions, you can ask! And remember that we have an internet dictionary from A to Z, in case you have doubts with any word…


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