Things to Keep in mind when hiring a rental car

Things to Keep in mind when hiring a rental car


At the time of choosing them you should pay attention to the office hours of the office where you wish to pick up the vehicle or deposit it. Some remain closed during weekends and there may be differences between the hours of each other, for example, airports and train stations are usually the longest stay open. In many occasions you can make the delivery when the office is closed as these companies usually have reserved spaces to park the vehicle and a box for you to enter the keys. In these cases, remember that you are still responsible for the car until the office opens and retrieves the keys and papers. On the check this out other hand, if you choose to make the delivery during customer service hours but later than you agreed, you may have to deal with surcharges that you did not count on.

Beware of the pick-up and delivery time!

Another point to pay attention to not pay more for the rental of the vehicle los angeles car rental are the hours of collection and delivery. The companies of ‘rent a car’ charge by 24 hour bands so if the car has picked it up at 5 o’clock in the afternoon you will have to return it as late at that same hour of the day in question or before. In the event that you deliver it at 7 o’clock in the afternoon, it is most likely that the company will charge you an entire day’s rent. That is, it would give the same thing to deliver it at 7 o’clock than at 5 o’clock the next day since the company will charge you the whole day.

However, there are companies that offer customers a courtesy time that can be half an hour, 1 hour or even more. So, if you delay when it comes to returning the car you will not be overcharged.

The driver of the car

  • Another important factor when renting is deciding who will be the driver. The most common service is one in which a private person rents a vehicle for a use and enjoyment for a period of time agreed by the parties. Thus, from the reception to the return of the same the company does not interfere and will be, saving the distances, as if the tenant had his own.
  • On the other hand, there are several companies that offer the rental service with driver , so instead of having to go to pick up and return the vehicle, your own driver will pick you up and be available to take you wherever you want during the contracted time.

Age and experience of the driver

If you opt for the first option, that does not take a professional driver, you have to take into account the influence of the characteristics of the person who will drive on the price and the particular conditions of the rental. If you are too young you will have a harder time finding a company that rents you a car, and if you do, the models that it will offer you will be the most basic.


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