Fully Managed Windows VPS Hosting And Benefits

Windows VPS Hosting


While a VPS Server has gained a lot of popularity due to the benefits offered, choosing the right Virtual Private Server Hosting requires careful consideration of various options provided by hosting providers. In addition, the hosting providers design web hosting plans that cater to the varying needs of site owners.

When you buy VPS Hosting, you can pick between Windows and Linux VPS Hosting, HDD and SSD VPS Hosting, and Unmanaged and Managed VPS Hosting plans based on your needs.

While a Linux Hosting VPS is more prevalent among site owners for being an affordable VPS hosting service, Windows VPS Hosting plans have been gaining ground in recent years.

Today, we will discuss Fully Managed Windows VPS Hosting and its benefits.

What is Fully Managed Windows VPS Hosting?

Fully Managed VPS Hosting plan stores your website on a Virtual Server with full root access, account isolation, and dedicated resources.

The server runs on the Windows platform. Also, the host assigns a technical expert to help you with site administration and management tasks.

Benefits of Fully Managed Windows VPS Hosting

Here is a quick look at the benefits offered by a Fully Managed Windows VPS Hosting plan:

You don’t need to worry about installing the software and tools required to run and manage your server and site. Instead, the technical expert takes care of these tasks on your behalf.

Since you have optimum control over the hosting environment, you must ensure that the resources are used efficiently. Also, you need to request more resources if your site grows and receives more traffic. With a Fully Managed VPS Hosting plan, the technical expert monitors the Virtual Server regularly to assist you in making the most out of it.

Software developers release updates to add/remove features, boost the application’s security, and improve its performance.

Naturally, these have to be installed as soon as possible. However, these installations can be time-consuming, and many site owners put them off for later. In Managed VPS Hosting, the technical expert installs them as soon as they are released.

Security is an essential aspect of a website. The technical expert in a managed plan runs vulnerability scans, checks your site for viruses and malware, and takes all measures to offer a secure hosting environment to your site.

A Virtual Server has specific maintenance tasks that need to be completed by site owners. Also, they need to run backups regularly to safeguard against data loss or corruption. With Fully Managed VPS Hosting, the technical expert runs these maintenance and backup processes saving them a lot of time and effort.

Being a technical process, site owners face glitches and problems while running and managing their sites. Hence, they need 24/7 technical support. With Fully Managed Windows VPS Hosting, the technical expert provides support round the clock.

Summing Up

A Windows VPS server offers numerous benefits, like familiarity with the OS, support for .NET technologies, and a negligible learning curve.

Add to it the benefits of a Fully Managed hosting plan, and you get a hosting service that is hassle-free and efficient, allowing the site owners to focus on growing their website without having to focus on server administration.


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